Removing JavaScript Debugging in Production with Laravel Elixir

Removing JavaScript Debugging in Production with Laravel Elixir

While using Gulp with Lar­avel’s Elixir, I found while it minifies/uglifies JavaScript on a pro­duc­tion build, it does­n’t strip JavaScript debug­ging. It was also far more time con­sum­ing to imple­ment this as a cus­tom Task or Extension.

Strip­ping debug­ging allows you to freely use Console.debug() and sim­i­lar debug­ging calls in devel­op­ment, which oth­er­wise will reduce the per­for­mance of your JavaScript appli­ca­tion, and in some cas­es make them com­plete­ly unus­able to cer­tain browsers.

So I did it myself, and made a Pull request (Github) with the offi­cial Lar­avel Elixir repos­i­to­ry, which was approved. Nice to give back.

Github Pull Request for Laravel Elixir