Campaignr to make a cellphone into a SenseCam

Campaignr to make a cellphone into a SenseCam

I dis­cov­ered Cam­paignr, an open-source project for sam­pling data from the var­i­ous sen­sors on a cell­phone, includ­ing cam­era, micro­phone and GPS. I’m hav­ing some issues with it con­nect­ing to a wire­less net­work. If any­one has any ideas, please get in touch via the con­tact page. I’m also look­ing into manip­u­lat­ing the files it pro­duces man­u­al­ly. I could make my own Java applet, but I’d rather not rein­vent the wheel, and it would be more pro­duc­tive to spend time deal­ing with these sen­sor outputs.

Homemade SenseCam

Homemade SenseCam

Justin Lloyd got in touch with me via Twit­ter, and point­ed me to this post about his home­made Sense­Cam software.

**Update**: Looks like Justin Lloyd has removed infor­ma­tion about Sense­cams so the link above has been removed.

Homemade Microsoft Sensecam

Microsoft Sense­Cam is a wear­able cam­era that takes pic­tures at var­i­ous inter­vals, and can record infra-red infor­ma­tion through a PIR (Pas­sive InfraRed sen­sor). Accom­pa­ny­ing soft­ware allows the events of a day to be indexed.

They are not for sale, and I would like to exper­i­ment with using some­thing like this. I believe that it would make sense to con­vert a mobile tele­phone into a sim­i­lar device, as they are easy to get hold of and gen­er­al­ly con­tain a dig­i­tal cam­era, Java/Symbian oper­at­ing sys­tem, mem­o­ry card and recharge­able bat­tery. If any­one knows of any down­load­able soft­ware that would per­form this task, please get in touch via the ‘Con­tact’ link. Thanks!