Where did your disk space go? Space Disk Analyser

Where did your disk space go? Space Disk Analyser

If you’ve ever run out of disk space and faced the dif­fi­cult deci­sion of what files to delete or offload to DVDs or an exter­nal hard dri­ve, this pro­gram may help you.

Space from AndyH Software

This soft­ware cre­ates a visu­al­i­sa­tion of your hard dri­ve so you can see how much space files and fold­ers are using. Click on the screen­shot to view an example.

For exam­ple, you may find that your tem­po­rary files are very large and delet­ing them would free up space. Or per­haps your pho­to gallery is so large that it is time to archive last year’s pho­tographs to DVDs or an exter­nal hard drive.

Space showing block mode with treeIt works with hard dri­ves, CD/DVD dri­ves, mapped net­work dri­ves and FTP accounts.

You can try it out in full by down­load­ing it from here. After 30 days you can decide to pur­chase it. The instal­la­tion is very min­i­mal and not bloated.

Download Space disk space visualisation software for free Down­load for Windows


**Note that this pro­gram has now been discontinued**

ClickHeat for webpage click heatmaps

ClickHeat for webpage click heatmaps

I recent­ly post­ed that I was try­ing out Click­Heat, and that I would write an instal­la­tion guide to help oth­ers install it.

I have been using Click­Heat on my per­son­al site and a few high traf­fic web sites. It has already proved use­ful on this per­son­al site, as I noticed peo­ple had been click­ing the graph­i­cal head­er at the top of the page expect­ing to be returned to the home page. How­ev­er I had neglect­ed to set this up, so I quick­ly made the change. Here is the heatmap that indi­cat­ed this to me:

Screenshot of ClickHeat heatmap on my personal web site

Here is a heatmap from a friend’s rel­a­tive­ly high traf­fic social net­work­ing web site:

Social networking web site heatmap

From this heatmap we noticed that most clicks were for open­ing mes­sage threads (as expect­ed), but were sur­prised by the num­ber of clicks to some of the more obscure options placed at the edges of the web site. As a result, the site is going to be redesigned so that these fea­tures are in the main left nav­i­ga­tion bar to make the web site eas­i­er to use.

The sys­tem uses a tiny 6KB JavaScript library, and record­ing clicks only used a few bytes of band­width. The admin­is­tra­tion web site works quick­ly and does­n’t seem to be a resource hog at all.

You can down­load Click­Heat from the offi­cial web site here. It requires PHP and the GD graph­ics library, and is a sim­ple install requir­ing no data­base. This UNIX per­mis­sion cal­cu­la­tor may come in handy when set­ting up direc­to­ry per­mis­sions so Click­Heat can write its log files.

I have noticed a prob­lem with the heatmap being aligned with the web site, and a sep­a­rate issue with elas­tic lay­outs cre­at­ing prob­lems with heatmap dis­play. There are already bugs raised for these issues on the project home­page, so they should be resolved in time.

A pop­u­lar com­mer­cial alter­na­tive is CrazyEgg. The arti­cles I have linked to will have much more infor­ma­tion on the wealth of extra fea­tures that it has.

If you have any suc­cess sto­ries from using heatmaps, I’d love to hear from you.

UPDATE: Paul Olyslager has sent me this arti­cle which gives a great overview of heatmaps and some of the alter­na­tives to Click­heat.

Webpage click heatmaps

Webpage click heatmaps

I am tri­al­ing Click­Heat. Click­Heat is an open source project licenced under GPL. It records the posi­tion of the user’s mouse on web pages, and cre­ates a heatmap.

ClickHeat heatmap screenshot
Click­Heat heatmap screenshot

I pre­vi­ous­ly tried a few dif­fer­ent free tri­als of com­mer­cial heatmap sys­tems. I dis­missed a few as unre­li­able, and many were more than ade­quate. How­ev­er, I’d like to have an open source project on my side like Click­Heat, as I could use the results as I wish rather than be tied down to a com­mer­cial sup­pli­er’s sys­tem. Also, Click­Heat will be free to use, although there will be time costs involved in imple­ment­ing and main­tain­ing it.

Heatmaps are a use­ful tool in user inter­face design and test­ing. While watch­ing users use your web site or appli­ca­tion in real life and real-time is ide­al, heatmap­ping is auto­mat­ed and results from thou­sands of users can be analysed. Com­bined with met­rics such as goal track­ing with web ana­lyt­ics track­ing such as Google Adsense, heatmaps allow you to com­pare dif­fer­ent ver­sions of a user inter­face and find the best to deploy.

I’ll update my weblog when I have some results from Click­Heat, and I also intend to write a brief guide on how to install and imple­ment it.

You can vis­it the Click­Heat offi­cial web site here.

You can sub­scribe to my weblog using the sub­scrip­tion links near the top of this page.

Update: Fur­ther post avail­able here.

Competition win

Competition win

My entry for Dreamhost’s API com­pe­ti­tion won! I cre­at­ed a web appli­ca­tion that shows vis­i­tors on a world map in real time.

I used PHP, CURL, SQLite, AJAX and Google Maps.

If you are a Dreamhost cus­tomer, you can use the Dreamhost Real-Time Hit World Map here.


Hitmap screenshot

Real-time web site hit map for Dreamhost

Real-time web site hit map for Dreamhost

I’ve been work­ing on an appli­ca­tion for the Dreamhost API com­pe­ti­tion. My entry allows Dreamhost cus­tomers to view hits to their web site on a world map in real-time.

If you are a Dreamhost cus­tomer, you can use the Dreamhost Real-Time Hit World Map here.

Hitmap screenshot

Campaignr to make a cellphone into a SenseCam

Campaignr to make a cellphone into a SenseCam

I dis­cov­ered Cam­paignr, an open-source project for sam­pling data from the var­i­ous sen­sors on a cell­phone, includ­ing cam­era, micro­phone and GPS. I’m hav­ing some issues with it con­nect­ing to a wire­less net­work. If any­one has any ideas, please get in touch via the con­tact page. I’m also look­ing into manip­u­lat­ing the files it pro­duces man­u­al­ly. I could make my own Java applet, but I’d rather not rein­vent the wheel, and it would be more pro­duc­tive to spend time deal­ing with these sen­sor outputs.