Continuing electronics

Continuing electronics

I’m con­tin­u­ing my learn­ing of elec­tron­ics, and I seem to be much bet­ter at it than the first time around. It is sat­is­fy­ing when a cir­cuit works first time.

Just got a thankyou

Just got a thankyou

Just got a nice email in response to some code I sub­mit­ted publicly:

“jon -

just a quick ‘thank you’ for the code you post­ed re: pars­ing csv files.

i have a gi-nor­mous excel csv file with indi­vid­ual records span­ning mul­ti­ple lines because of mul­ti-para­graph ‘notes’
fields in each record.

your solu­tion of count­ing the fields and then pars­ing sub­se­quent data based on the num­ber of columns is so com­mon sen­si­cal it makes me embar­rassed that i did­n’t think of it.

thanks again,

Years spent a month by website users

Years spent a month by website users

Tak­ing last month as an exam­ple (Sep­tem­ber 1st — Octo­ber 1st), one of my more pop­u­lar web appli­ca­tions was used by 332,174 unique vis­i­tors, spend­ing an aver­age of 6 mins 37 secs.

Work­ing from that fig­ure, 3.971 years are spent  using the appli­ca­tions per month!