SSL/HTTPS Mixed Content Warnings — How to Automatically Report Errors

The gen­er­al push to use SSL/HTTPS for every web site is improv­ing secu­ri­ty and pri­va­cy on the Inter­net. How­ev­er, every request a web site makes will need to be secure, or browsers can remove the ‘Secure’ indi­ca­tor, show a warn­ing sym­bol, and some­times pop up errors.

You can add a sim­ple head­er that will tell browsers to report back to your serv­er if any inse­cure requests are made. I com­bined this with a sim­ple PHP script that logs to the server’s error log.  This alerts me to sites I host and devel­op that have inse­cure con­tent, so I can fix them.

Step 1 — Add the Content Security Policy reporting header

add_header Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only "report-uri /csp-report-endpoint.php";

Step 2 — Add PHP Script

Add this sim­ple PHP script as csp-report-endpoint.php:


Now, when a site attempts to load an inse­cure resource, you will get a mes­sage in your error log, and you can use this infor­ma­tion to fix your site.