Homemade Microsoft Sensecam

Microsoft Sense­Cam is a wear­able cam­era that takes pic­tures at var­i­ous inter­vals, and can record infra-red infor­ma­tion through a PIR (Pas­sive InfraRed sen­sor). Accom­pa­ny­ing soft­ware allows the events of a day to be indexed.

They are not for sale, and I would like to exper­i­ment with using some­thing like this. I believe that it would make sense to con­vert a mobile tele­phone into a sim­i­lar device, as they are easy to get hold of and gen­er­al­ly con­tain a dig­i­tal cam­era, Java/Symbian oper­at­ing sys­tem, mem­o­ry card and recharge­able bat­tery. If any­one knows of any down­load­able soft­ware that would per­form this task, please get in touch via the ‘Con­tact’ link. Thanks!