Where did your disk space go? Space Disk Analyser

If you’ve ever run out of disk space and faced the dif­fi­cult deci­sion of what files to delete or offload to DVDs or an exter­nal hard dri­ve, this pro­gram may help you.

Space from AndyH Software

This soft­ware cre­ates a visu­al­i­sa­tion of your hard dri­ve so you can see how much space files and fold­ers are using. Click on the screen­shot to view an example.

For exam­ple, you may find that your tem­po­rary files are very large and delet­ing them would free up space. Or per­haps your pho­to gallery is so large that it is time to archive last year’s pho­tographs to DVDs or an exter­nal hard drive.

Space showing block mode with treeIt works with hard dri­ves, CD/DVD dri­ves, mapped net­work dri­ves and FTP accounts.

You can try it out in full by down­load­ing it from here. After 30 days you can decide to pur­chase it. The instal­la­tion is very min­i­mal and not bloated.

Download Space disk space visualisation software for free Down­load for Windows


**Note that this pro­gram has now been discontinued**